I’ve upgraded my Ghost installation on OpenShift to 0.4.2 now and I thought I’d share the steps here, just in case if anyone ever needs it as a reference.

  1. Clone your existing OpenShift repository:

    git clone <openshift_repository> <path>
  2. Change directory to the checkout path:

    cd <path>
  3. Add the Ghost OpenShift quickstart repository:

    git remote add ghost_openshift https://github.com/openshift-quickstart/openshift-ghost-quickstart.git
  4. Pull the latest changes from it:

    git pull ghost_openshift master
  5. Push the changes back into your Ghost repository in OpenShift:

    git push origin

Now, all you need to do is wait for it to finish building and updating itself. I mean, how it easy was it huh? ;)

Happy Ghosting :)